John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was known for his youth and charm. Commonly known as JFK, Kennedy was a peoples president and was followed by the news like a celebrity, people could easily relate to him. When given the chance to talk to this man you just cant say no. First off I asked how he felt about how he handled the Bay of Pigs, he replied that he wasn't a big fan of the plan but wanted to give it a shot. After that I asked how he decided on the Peace Corps, he replied that he wanted a way to help underdeveloped nation but didn't want to make a military effort out of it, so he came up with the Peace Corps. I asked him about how he felt when the Soviets divided Berlin. He said he wanted to help but there wasn't a whole lot he could do without causing a Nuclear War with the USSR, he did think of the airlifts to get supplies to East Berlin, which wouldn't cause a war. My next question focused on the space race and how he felt that the Soviets beat the US to space. He replied confidently how the Soviets may have gotten into orbit, but they never reached a physical destination in space while we did, and to one that is seen all around the world every night. (The moon, if you couldn't figure that one out) I asked him how it felt to be in charge of such a powerful nation, he reminded me he wasn't really in charge but it did make him feel very honored.